5 Tips For Being Confident Wearing Your Natural Hair March 03, 2021Jeanette Nkwate Let’s be honest, learning how to be confident wearing your natural hair is almost 99% of the journey. Want some practical tips for being confident when wearing your natural hair?...
Why I Don't Use Edge Control February 26, 2021Rachael Corson Rachael Corson, CEO of curly and afro hair brand Afrocenchix explains her personal reasons for why she doesn’t use edge control (and probably never will) and why Afrocenchix doesn’t want...
Community Spotlight - We're stronger together March 29, 2020Rachael Corson This is a time to be there for the community. We know many of you are freelancers, small business owners and contractors and we want to support you.
How to Work from Home Effectively March 25, 2020Rachael Corson Looking for practical tips on how to navigate working from home? Read on for our advice on effective remote working.
Common Afro Hair Myths March 13, 2020Cleide Cardoso Afro hair is very misunderstood. Learn the truth about common afro hair myths.
Celebrating Women Who Are Winning this International Women's Day March 07, 2020Cleide Cardoso This years theme for International Women’s Day is “#EachforEqual.” The theme calls on all of us to stand on the right side of history: to address inequities, broaden perceptions and...
New Year, New Hair January 15, 2020Cleide Cardoso Decided that January is the time to switch up your look? The New Year is a great time (of course, not the only time) to embrace healthy hair choices and...
How to Recover from that Nightmare Hair Salon Experience... December 19, 2019Rachael Corson Having an awful salon trip is like watching someone iron a hole in your favourite silk dress. When you go to a salon you want to leave with your hair...
Afro Hair Products and Silicones: Why to Avoid Them December 05, 2019Cleide Cardoso With so much much conflicting information around on the internet, we've put together a simple guide to understanding how silicones can affect your afro hair. Read on to learn how silicones...
Why hair typing is unscientific November 20, 2019Stefanie Naseem Afrocenchix believes that there is only one hair type and that’s no hair type. In this blog, we discuss why strict hair typing systems are not scientific. It's better to...
6 common homemade hair treatments that don’t work November 07, 2019Stefanie Naseem With homemade 'natural' Afro hair products gaining traction, we wanted to clear up if they are more effective for hair use. Will these simple recipes full of avocado and egg...
Why do natural ingredients work wonders on afro hair? August 28, 2019Afrocenchix Team Many people wonder whether swapping over from "mainstream" or synthetic-based hair products to natural hair care really makes a difference to their afro hair. In this blog, we'll explain why...