Vitamin E For Hair: Key Benefits & How To Add To Your Routine

Vitamin E For Hair: Key Benefits & How To Add To Your Routine

Written by Jeanette Nkwate

Is vitamin E good for your hair? The benefits of vitamin E include its powerful antioxidant properties and its vital role in maintaining overall health. 

However, did you know that it also offers significant benefits specifically for hair health? From promoting hair growth to enhancing shine and strength, vitamin E can help transform your hair care routine and health.

But why is it able to do all of this? Well, it’s because vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress and damage, which is a crucial function for maintaining healthy hair. It also supports the scalp and hair follicles, ensuring that hair can grow strong and healthy. 

Want to know more about vitamin E? Read on, to discover the five key benefits of vitamin E for your hair and practical tips for how to include it into your natural hair care routine

5 Benefits of Vitamin E for Hair

1. Promotes Hair Growth

Vitamin E can improve blood circulation to the scalp, helping enhance nutrient supply to your hair follicles. And better blood flow means hair follicles receive more nutrients and oxygen, which is essential for healthy hair growth. This can also help reduce hair loss and stimulate new growth.

2. Balances Oil Production

Let’s be honest, when most people think of hair growth, their scalp is often the last thing they think of. But a well-moisturised scalp is key to healthy hair. Vitamin E helps balance oil production, preventing dryness and excess oil. This balance ensures that hair remains hydrated without becoming greasy, reducing the risk of scalp issues such as dandruff.

3. It Brings On The Shine!

Vitamin E has natural conditioning properties that can help make hair shinier and smoother. It seals moisture in the hair shaft, which not only makes hair look more vibrant but also should make it easier to manage and style.

4. Protects Hair From Damage

Of course, the best thing to do to prevent sun damage is to cover up and avoid being directly in the sun. But did you know that the antioxidant properties of vitamin E can also slightly help to protect hair from environmental damage and free radicals? This protection is crucial in preventing hair damage from UV rays, pollution, and harsh chemicals, all of which can cause hair to become brittle and dull. 

5. Improves Scalp Health

A healthy scalp is the foundation for healthy hair, and at Afrocenchix, we have always said that your scalp should be treated as an extension of your face. Vitamin E can help support scalp health by reducing inflammation and repairing damage to the skin barrier. This can alleviate issues such as dry, flaky skin and improve overall scalp condition.

How to Incorporate Vitamin E Into Your Hair Care Routine

1. Add It To Your Diet AKA Eat It

One easy way to add vitamin E to your hair routine is to consume foods rich in vitamin E. This will ensure your body gets enough of this nutrient to benefit your hair. Need tips? Some excellent dietary sources include nuts (such as almonds and hazelnuts), seeds (like sunflower seeds), spinach, and avocados.

2. Supplements: 

Find it difficult to eat your vitamin E? Then taking supplements might be more your bag. They are widely available and can be an effective way to boost your intake, especially if your diet is lacking. 

We would always consult with a health official before starting any new supplement regimen as they can help determine the appropriate dosage for your needs.

3. Topical Treatments:

Applying vitamin E oil directly to your scalp and hair can provide targeted benefits. You can use pure vitamin E oil or choose hair care products that contain vitamin E as a key ingredient. Massage the oil into your scalp to improve circulation and leave it in or just leave it  overnight before washing it out.

Looking for a hair product with vitamin E in it? Why not try Afrocenchix’s Soothe, which is blended with almond oil – a great source of vitamin E. And the best part is that there are so many different ways to use it. Just check out our 7 Wonderful Ways To Use Soothe blog post to learn more. 

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