Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Hair

Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Hair

Over the years, coconut oil has taken the mainstream hair care industry by storm as a natural super ingredient for afro hair, with many of the curl community already on board the coconut train.

But why is coconut oil so popular, and how can you use it? Find out below!

Adds Moisture

A key element of hair health is moisture. Having enough moisture (and equally not having too much) with the right type of ingredients will literally make or break your locs.

The triglycerides (fats found in ingredients) of Coconut Oil are quick absorbing molecules that help penetrate the hair shaft and envelope your curls with strength and moisture.

By using products such as Swirl - Silicone Free Conditioner concocted with coconut extract and no silicones, providing your hair with plenty of natural healthy ingredients to provide moisture and allow your curls to shine naturally.

Coconut Oil In Your Pre-Shampoo 

Another great use of coconut oil is as a barrier and softener for your locs before shampoo.

Our Seal - Natural Hair Oil For Afro Hair is an excellent option for this. 

Not only does this wonder product work as a way to lock in moisture, but you can use it as a pre-poo for very damaged and dry tresses, helping to soften coils making detangling more manageable.

The LOC Method

A classic for maintaining hair health, this method will often incorporate coconut oil and is a great way to ensure your hair is styled beautifully and can weather any hair day. 

After applying a water-based liquid conditioner to your curls, use Seal Oil, adding a protective 'seal' to the moisture. 

Finally, apply the Smooth - moisture cream for a double coconut curing combo.

A Gentle Cleanser

Harsh cleansers aren’t always the best solution for curls needing TLC. Often a 'gentle impact' is the way to go.

By adding coconut oil into your shampooing routine, you give the curls the best chance to stay strong and protected whilst being cleansed of any build-up without stripping your hair to a dry crisp!

The Swish - Sulphate Free Shampoo is the ultimate gentle cleanse. With its Coconut based formulation, it provides a softening effect whilst being sulphate-free and removing build-up.

Hot Oil Treatment

Coconut Oil can work well as a lovely at home hot oil treatment.

Hot Oil treatments are best used before shampooing and can be a way to elevate your pre-poo by adding that little bit of warmth to help encourage even more product penetration to your locks.

Lightly warm up enough oil to coat your hair evenly and apply, allowing the oil to marinate before shampooing. 

The Seal Natural Hair Oil works wonders for this treatment, being packed with fresh Coconut Oil, Castor and Jojoba Oil to maintain strong, healthy hair.

Reduce inflammation and fungal infection

Coconut Oil has been shown to have both anti-fungal effects, helping to reduce irritants that may cause inflammation and irritation to the scalp.

Incorporating coconut oil throughout your hair care provides the potential to aid any stressed out scalps and promote healthier kinks and curls.

So there you have it! Coconut Oil can be a natural miracle worker. 

Do you have any suggestions on how to use Coconut Oil? Let us know in the comments below.


This article was written by Jeanette Kwate

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