We Are Afrocenchix: Meet Our Design Creative! Leah Faulkner

We Are Afrocenchix: Meet Our Design Creative!

Hi, I'm Leah Faulkner, Creative and Design Coordinator at Afrocenchix. I basically take care of how things look, from product photography to illustrations as well as producing social content!

Tell us about yourself.

I’m Bajan and British and grew up in rural Lincolnshire (which had it's interesting moments!). I’ve always loved drawing and design and studied Illustration at uni.

What are your hobbies?

When I’m not working I’m usually reading romance novels, baking, practicing nail art or hanging out with friends. Sadly for my bank balance, I’m also obsessed with jewellery and perfume (something Mofe, our Customer and Community Manager definitely encourages).

What's your favourite inspirational quote?

Every day life inspires me, I always look at stuff and wonder what choices the designer made to get to that point and what I could learn from that. A phrase that always makes me feel better is “is it enough to have a bad day?” Sometimes it is but often it helps put things into perspective. 

Tell us what motivates you to do what you do here?

Seeing that I’m part of something bigger than myself, in the grand scheme of the universe maybe haircare seems minor but it’s important! Especially so for people that have often been ignored or underserved.

What's your favourite Afrocenchix product and why?

It’s cheating but I’m going to say two – Sheen and Smooth, all day! As my hair is more on the fine side, I find that Sheen really revitalises three-to-four-day-old curls and Smooth keeps them looking fresh and feeling soft. I’m also very excited for an upcoming product release, which may just take the top spot… 

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