afro hair autumn care

Afro hair needs autumn care – 3 tips to make your curls pop

So we've bid goodbye to the summer sun and we're saying hello to autumn. Colder temperatures and a different wardrobe means tweaks to our hair routines are needed.

afro hair autumn care

Here are three things you can do for healthy hair this autumn:

1. Moisturise your afro hair 

Keeping your hair moisturised should be a top priority no matter the season, but falling temperatures mean your hair can get even drier than usual. During autumn you may find that you need to moisturise your hair daily. The LOC methods and the LCO methods will help you maintain moisturised tresses. 

loc method moisture surge

Be sure to use a sulphate-free shampoo when washing your hair as sulphates are drying on the hair. For that extra moisture boost, before washing you can apply an oil like coconut oil or Soothe for a hot oil treatment. Simply put your oil into a glass container and place the container in a bowl of hot water so it heats up. Apply the oil to your dry hair, don a shower cap for at least half an hour, then shampoo and condition as normal. This will prevent hygral fatigue and keep hair strong.

2. Get a trim

If you're finding that detangling your hair is taking forever then your hair is screaming for a trim. While trimming the ends of your hair will not cause your hair to grow, you will be getting rid of split ends that make the hair more difficult to manage. 

3. Protect your afro hair

Coats and scarves are needed in this ever changing autumn weather but most are made from fibres that wreak havoc on our hair. Opting for protective styles that keep the ends of your hair tucked away will help keep your ends intact and protected from the elements.

Headwraps and wooly hats are perfect for lazy hair days, however, friction from cotton and wooly fibres will damage your hair. To keep this from happening, cover your hair with a satin scarf or satin-lined bonnet before putting on your hat or headwrap.

satin lined bonnet

Sleeping with a satin-lined bonnet at night will also minimise friction and keep your hair from drying out as you enter into hibernation season!

Want more guidance? Check out Afro Hair Care - The Ultimate Guide!

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