How to not give up on your hair during the awkward phase

How to not give up on your hair during the awkward phase

It's a few months after your big chop. Your hair's now too long and too short at the same time. You want to grow it out but you're finding the upkeep challenging and you're at a loss when it comes to knowing what to do with it — you've hit the awkward phase. 

The awkward phase is the time when most people give up on their natural hair journey. Times may be difficult but through perseverance, you can make it to the other side! It's important to remember that it's just a phase and it won't last

Here are three suggestions to help you keep going. 

1. Protective style

Protective styles with braided or twisted extensions are a great and stylish way to give you and your hair a break from each other. Such styles minimise manipulation, increasing chances of length retention. 


Be sure to cleanse your hair focusing on the scalp every 2 weeks as a clean scalp creates a healthy environment for growth. Remember to moisturise your hair. Afro hair is prone to dryness and dryness causes breakage. 

Don't get a style that pulls tightly on your hair. Crochet extensions that look like your hair can also be of help. 

2. Wrap it up

Wraps are fantastic if you don't want to do anything to your hair. 

3. Pin It

Your twist out/braid out/bantu knot out/wash and go might look odd once you've unravelled and fluffed but you can get it into shape using bobby pins. 

Get creative! It may take some trial and error to find something that works for you.  

  4. Pamper your hair 

The hair that you have on your head now will soon form the ends of your hair as your hair grows out. The ends of the hair are the weakest so giving them the utmost care now will help them stand the test of time. 

After shampooing with a sulphate free shampoo, you could try a Rhassoul clay treatment or Ayurvedic treatment.

So those are our tips! If you need more tailored advice drop us an email and we'll do our best to help.

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