Written by Jeanette Nkwate
Have you ever wondered: why is my scalp so itchy? There are many itchy scalp causes and most people will have an itchy scalp at least once or twice in their lifetime. Read on to discover four of the most common causes of itchy scalp and how to get relief from an itchy scalp today.
1. Allergic Reaction
An allergic reaction or contact dermatitis is a common cause of an itchy scalp. This is why at Afrocenchix, we encourage everyone to learn how to understand the ingredient list on your products. Why? Because a lot of mainstream products contain artificial fragrances which can cause asthma, eczema, muscle pain, bloating, sinus pain, fatigue, eye irritation, gastrointestinal problems, headaches, dizziness and burning or itching skin irritations.
How to Get Relief: Use hair products without parabens, sulphates, phthalates, harsh preservatives or artificial fragrances. Here at Afrocenchix, we never use parabens, sulphates, phthalates, harsh preservatives or artificial fragrances. We believe all women should be able to access safe and effective haircare, that's why all of our products are 97-100% natural.
2. Product Build Up
Product build up can occur when the scalp comes in continuous contact with products that aren’t meant for it. This means if you are co-washing with a regular conditioner or even using a co-wash, it’s likely that you have product build up.
How to Get Relief: We recommend using a sulphate-free shampoo, like Afrocenchix’s Swish to wash your hair and cleanse your scalp every 7-10 days.
3. Dry Scalp
Dry skin could simply be the cause of your itchy scalp. Just as the skin on your arm gets itchy when it’s dry, so does your scalp. Try to keep your skin hydrated so it is smoothed, as if it is left the scalp can easily become irritated and itchy.
How to Get Relief: Soothe and Nourish were designed to help ease the itchiness. Its anti-inflammatory properties also work to combat dryness and promote healthy hair growth. Just apply to your scalp after washing and a couple of times throughout the week to keep your scalp happy.
4. Dandruff
Did you know that dandruff was a common cause of itchy scalp? Dandruff is also known as seborrheic dermatitis and is caused by the overgrowth of Malassezia yeast. All scalps are home to this Malassezia yeast (so no need to be alarmed!) but when the production of this yeast goes into overdrive it can result in dandruff. Not sure if you have dandruff or just a flakey scalp? If you have dandruff, you’ll notice that your scalp will have large, yellowish flakes, as well as being oily, red and itchy.
How to Get Relief: The traditional and most widely used treatments are active-containing shampoos. Specifically, a dandruff treatment can be antifungal agents such as Zinc pyrithione, Selenium sulphide with the possible conjunction with keratolytic agents like Salicylic acid and Sulphur and/or anti-itch agents like Coal tar. Again, we would suggest you check with a trusted trichologist for the most suitable treatment.
You could also use a natural-origin scalp oil (we suggest Soothe and Nourish as it would create an occlusive barrier on top of your skin and help trap all the natural moisturising factors and water within your skin. They also contain essential oils that are known for helping with inflammatory scalp issues and irritations.
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