Inspire A Generation


Since we started Afrocenchix in 2010 we've witnessed the natural hair movement evolve and thrive. More and more people are embracing their natural beauty and putting their health first. But many still try, and fail, to keep up with the Kardashians.

Why 'Inspire a Generation?'

41% of children surveyed for the 2019 WAD equality report said they “preferred/wanted to have straight Caucasian/Asian hair.”


This isn’t right.   

Young people are flooded with messages that they need to change to fit in. Our teens are losing their confidence and sacrificing their health and mental well-being in pursuit of impossible beauty ideals. So we're changing things.

With the help of our community, we're redefining beauty and putting your health first.

The late Nobel laureate Toni Morrison said it best "just remember that your real life job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else".

To empower you and the young people you know we’re running a series of events to talk about the stuff that matters. We’ve also curated a list of educational blog posts as the perfect starting place for someone who wants to take a stand by learning about and loving their hair.

Afrocenchix Inspire a generation

Please share this page and our essay writing competition with the young girls you know and want to inspire. Follow #InspireAGeneration and join our community mailing list to stay in the loop!