Buying British

Buying British

During my BBC interview today I told the Afrocenchix story and mentioned that we work with British scientists and British companies, particularly small businesses like us. Our raw ingredients are from British suppliers, except for the Fairtrade Shea butter we buy from a cooperative in Ghana. We've partnered with fellow female run small businesses, CHIKA’S and Spill The Tea London to offer something special for Mother's Day. We work with British freelancers and consultants to run our business and as we grow we are investing back into Britain through creating jobs and supporting other small businesses.

We love our independent retailers for their authenticity. For instance The Grocery (where we will be this Saturday afternoon!) is committed to helping people in Hackney to use quality natural products like ours and eat local, organic food. So they source fresh, seasonal fruit and veg from Spitafields.  And then there is XSandy's. XSandy's is one of the few black beauty supply stores selling to black British women that is actually owned and run by a black British woman! This means that she knows and cares about avoiding toxic mainstream products.

Whatever the economic forecasts, we will keep working with others in the natural organic ecosystem to ensure that our quality remains high and our accessibility keeps on improving, even when changes in the economy make it harder for us to run.

We are partnering with more and more wonderful and unique independents and we are talking to a few big retailers too! You can find our retail partners on our stockists page. Let your favourite stores know if they are missing from our list. We visit our stockists regularly so keep an eye out for our newsletters and another eye on our events page and come along to meet us!

Thank you for your time in reading this and for your ongoing support. You make a difference to our business.
