Healthy Hair Challenge Volume/Length Check

Healthy Hair Challenge Volume/Length Check

Guest Post from Jacqueline Shepherd

"While away in New Zealand (I was there throughout March if you missed me raving on about it!) I had planned to keep my hair in one style in an attempt to prevent it from becoming dry. The sun is particularly intense in that part of the world so that heat in addition to over manipulation is the perfect combination for dry hair. 

My good intentions lasted for about a day as you’ll see from the myriad of hairstyles in the montage below. The first picture in the top-line is about two days into my trip so I didn’t do well at all at keeping in my style. Having said that I was conscious of keeping my hair covered or in updo’s for the majority of my trip and kept up the moisturising steps described above. I also rinsed my hair with warm water and gave it a light wash with Afrocenchix Swish after long stints in the sea.

As much as this is a length challenge, integral to that is healthy hair and I am confident that my hair is in better shape now due to not being a product junkie and rather embracing a handful of appropriate products (thanks Afrocenchix!) and of course the trim… Full update here."