Ehi wearing her natural hair at her graduation

How Ehi Rocked Her Natural on Her Graduation Day

I graduated on Thursday 13th July 2017. Prior to the big day, my mum and I were constantly battling about what I should do to my hair. She wanted me to straighten it - I said no.


Why I Wore My Natural Hair for My Graduation Style

This got me thinking about why natural is deemed not good enough. This topic constantly resurfaces and was discussed on our blog, Is Natural Hair Unprofessional which led to an event of the same name. I decided that I wanted to be photographed with hair that reflected me. This got me thinking about why natural is deemed not good enough. 


How I Used Afrocenchix Products for My Graduation Style.

I washed my hair in sections with Swish then deep conditioned. I towel dried my hair, perfected my middle parting and sectioned my hair into 10 parts, 5 on each side of my head. Using Sheen, I spritzed each section and locked in the moisture with Seal. I then completed the LOC method with Smooth and used 'prayer hands' to really work the products int my hair shafts. 
Finally, I put all 10 sections into neat cornrows which I twisted at the ends. Keeping them neat prevents frizz during unravelling. I used a head-wrap to cover my hair for two days, each night spritzing the cornrows with Sheen and rubbing with coconut oil.
On the day of my graduation, I covered my hands with oil and slowly unravelled my hair. My hair was super soft and smelt great because of the Afrocenchix products I used.

After fluffing out the roots of my hair, my hair had volume, movement and looked amazing! I used bobby pins to pin the front of my hair out of my face, making it easier for the graduation cap to sit on my head. My hair was super soft and smelt great because of the Afrocenchix products I used.



Doesn't her hair look amazing? Check out our blog post about 10 other hairstyles you can do to rock your natural hair on your graduation day!


Read more: 
What you should do to moisturise Afro hair
The Ultimate Guide to Afro hair care
Protective Styling - What every natural needs to know