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11 Cute & Easy Back-to-school Hairstyles for Natural Hair

Looking for easy back-to-school afro hairstyles for natural hair? Here are 11 inspiring back-to-school hairstyles to experiment with, alongside practical and easy hair care tips.

The Best Children’s Books To Keep Kids Entertained On Hair Wash Day

It might have taken an hour, it might have taken four, all I know is that it felt infinitely longer as a child so my mother became the master of distractions. There were snacks, sometimes our favourite TV shows, other times we’d sing along to music (dancing strictly forbidden of course)....

Challenging Hair Discrimination In Schools

We need to have an honest conversation about discrimination in schools. The devastating case of Child Q has shocked many of us, but it’s sadly not an isolated incident...

Why Is My Child's Hair So Dry? 5 Common Causes & Remedies

Has your child’s dry hair left you at your wits end? Wondering what is causing their hair to be so dry? You’re not alone – dry hair is a common issue, and the bane of curly and afro hair. Read on to find out the five ways you can solve...

7 Essential Tips For Looking After Your Child’s Kinks, Coils & Curls

A consistent routine can cultivate the right mental attitude towards hair, and the correct physical conditions for hair to be able to grow strong and healthy. But we also know that this is easier said than done when you have a busy life and an active child. To help you...

Ultimate Guide to Afro Hair Care for Children

Using our expertise we have put together a quick and simple guide on looking after your little treasure's hair.

3 Steps to a Successful Daddy, Daughter Wash Day

Let's be honest, sometimes, wash day can definitely feel like a chore. We outline a simple and successful wash day routine and style that continues to nourish and look after your daughter’s hair and scalp. 

A quick and simple Afro hair style for kids

Styling kids' Afro hair can be simple and (relatively) fuss-free once you know the basics! In this video, Rashida talks through how she moisturises and styles Bailey's hair using Sheen moisturising hair spray, Smooth moisturising hair cream and Seal natural hair oil.

How to care for your child's afro hair to prevent nits and head lice

Every year, schools up and down the UK warn children (and parents) of threat that is head lice - and every year, the number of head lice outbreaks increases when school goes back. Find out how to prevent your nits and head lice with these hair care tips.

How to help your child embrace their afro hair

This blog is a guest piece by author Hannah Lee.Black hair is so beautiful. Learning how to love its intricate nature and appreciate how extraordinary it is can be made easier for children and young people with guidance from those around them. The following are some tips on how you...